No Water? No Problem.

Pump Blog

What's in Our Water when it Rains Too Hard?

Hopefully everyone has recovered from any issues caused by last week's hurricane! It certainly has been refreshing to have more rain again, but we could do without the winds knocking down branches and power outages preventing us from watching the Gator game!

One great thing about having regular, and even heavy, rains is that it's great for replenishing our water tables. This is definitely something to be thankful for, especially as drought issues are having serious consequences for our neighbors in the southwest of the country.

Too much rain, though, can have consequences affecting well owners directly. It's important to pay close attention to your water when we've got days and days of heavy rain.

So what are you looking for in your water? One of the most important things to take seriously is if your water turns brown or green after heavy rains. Do not drink your water if you notice sudden coloration of any kind. A service call and system inspection would be recommended any time you see any significant change in your water. This goes for periods of heavy rain or not.

The solution to bacterial contamination in wells is fortunately straightforward: shock chlorination. Shock chlorination of your well involves the handling and administration of chlorine in an atmosphere containing high voltage. That’s why we recommend that shock chlorination treatment be performed by a professional, to ensure you and your family’s safety.

Erica Bales